日期 / Date2024/11/14Thu.-15Fri.地點 / Venue國立政治大學公企中心A2國際會議廳International Conference Hall A2 of Center for Public and Business Administration Education, National ChengChi University線上報名日期 / Online Registration2024/10/14 (一) 至 2024/11/04 (一)October 14- November 4, 2024
主辦單位保留活動議程與講師調整之權利。The organizer reserves the right to adjust the event agenda and lecturers.
時間 Time
主題 Topic
主講人/引言人 Speaker/Moderator
團體照Group Photo
開幕典禮-貴賓致詞Opening Ceremony
黃錫瑜 / Dr. Shi-Yu Huang國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心主任Director General, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
專題演講 Keynote Speech人工智慧對學術界的衝擊The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Academia
引言人 Moderator黃錫瑜 / Dr. Shi-Yu Huang國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心主任Director General, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
主講人 Speaker林宜敬 / Dr. Yi-Jing Lin數位發展部政務次長Deputy Minister of Digital Affairs, Taiwan, ROC.
專題演講 Keynote Speech (預錄 Video Speech)揭開AI神秘面紗:圖書館的趨勢、挑戰與機會Demystifying AI: Understanding Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Libraries
引言人 Moderator李沛錞 / Dr. Pei-Chun Lee國立政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所副教授Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University
主講人 SpeakerMr. Jeremy Miller科睿唯安學術AI資深產品經理Lead Product Management, Academic AI, Clarivate
新知分享 Featured Trends跨越鴻溝:大學與圖書館如何在數位學習時代運用人工智能強化夥伴關係Bridging the Gap: How Universities and Libraries are Using AI to Strengthen their Partnership in the Age of Digital Learning 演講簡報
主講人 SpeakerMr. Paul EdelblutVantage Labs全球營運副總裁Vice President of Global Operations for Vantage Labs
新知分享 Featured Trends (預錄 Video Speech)人工智慧與圖書館:學術資源管理的新時代AI and Libraries: A New Era in Scholarly Resource Management 演講簡報錄影內容
Mr. Paolo LombardiTaylor & Francis科技創新總監Director of Technology Innovation, Taylor & Francis
專題演講 Keynote Speech (直播 Online Speech)生成式AI與學術出版的未來GenAI and the Future of Publishing
引言人 Moderator柯皓仁 / Dr. Hao-Ren Ke國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授&學習資訊專業學院院長Distinguished Professor & Dean of School of Learning Informatics, National Taiwan Normal University
主講人 SpeakerDr. Dave FlanaganWiley數據科學及 AI 產品管理資深總監Senior Director Data Science, AI Product Management, Wiley
新知分享 Featured Trends資料驅動的圖書館:利用資料分析和視覺化提升資料素養(Data Literacy)Data-Driven Library: Enhancing Data Literacy Through Data Analysis and Visualization 演講簡報
周頡 / Mr. Jeremy ChouEBSCO 台港澳業務總監EBSCO Sales Director (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau)
新知分享 Featured Trends從數據到洞察: 利用AI重新定義資料庫檢索From Data to Insights : Redefining Data Retrieval with AI
官欣瑩 / Ms. Renee Guan科睿唯安學術與政府解決方案資深顧問Lead Business Solution Consultant, Clarivate
林孟玲 / Ms. Meng-ling Lin (Beatrice)國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心CONCERT&NDDS計畫主持人CONCERT & NDDS Project Manager, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center(STPI)
時間 Time
主題 Topic.主講人/引言人 Speaker/Moderator
團體照Group Photo
開幕典禮-貴賓致詞Opening Ceremony黃錫瑜 / Dr. Shi-Yu Huang國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心主任Director General, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
專題演講 Keynote Speech人工智慧對學術界的衝擊The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Academia引言人 Moderator黃錫瑜 / Dr. Shi-Yu Huang國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心主任Director General, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
主講人 Speaker林宜敬 / Dr. Yi-Jing Lin數位發展部政務次長Deputy Minister of Digital Affairs, Taiwan, ROC.
專題演講 Keynote Speech (預錄 Video Speech)揭開AI神秘面紗:圖書館的趨勢、挑戰與機會Demystifying AI: Understanding Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Libraries引言人 Moderator李沛錞 / Dr. Pei-Chun Lee國立政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所副教授Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University
主講人 SpeakerMr. Jeremy Miller科睿唯安 學術AI資深產品經理Lead Product Management, Academic AI, Clarivate
新知分享 Featured Trends跨越鴻溝:大學與圖書館如何在數位學習時代運用人工智能強化夥伴關係Bridging the Gap: How Universities and Libraries are Using AI to Strengthen their Partnership in the Age of Digital Learning 演講簡報主講人 SpeakerMr. Paul EdelblutVantage Labs全球營運副總裁Vice President of Global Operations for Vantage Labs
新知分享 Featured Trends (預錄 Video Speech)人工智慧與圖書館:學術資源管理的新時代AI and Libraries: A New Era in Scholarly Resource Management 演講簡報錄影內容Mr. Paolo LombardiTaylor & Francis科技創新總監Director of Technology Innovation, Taylor & Francis
專題演講 Keynote Speech (直播 Online Speech)生成式AI與學術出版的未來GenAI and the Future of Publishing引言人 Moderator柯皓仁 / Dr. Hao-Ren Ke國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授&學習資訊專業學院院長Distinguished Professor & Dean of School of Learning Informatics, National Taiwan Normal University
主講人 SpeakerDr. Dave FlanaganWiley數據科學及 AI 產品管理資深總監Senior Director Data Science, AI Product Management, Wiley
新知分享 Featured Trends資料驅動的圖書館:利用資料分析和視覺化提升資料素養(Data Literacy)Data-Driven Library: Enhancing Data Literacy Through Data Analysis and Visualization 演講簡報周頡 / Mr. Jeremy ChouEBSCO 台港澳業務總監EBSCO Sales Director (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau)
新知分享 Featured Trends從數據到洞察: 利用AI重新定義資料庫檢索From Data to Insights : Redefining Data Retrieval with AI官欣瑩 / Ms. Renee Guan科睿唯安學術與政府解決方案資深顧問Lead Business Solution Consultant, Clarivate
綜合討論Q&A林孟玲 / Ms. Meng-ling Lin (Beatrice)國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心CONCERT&NDDS計畫主持人CONCERT & NDDS Project Manager, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center(STPI)
時間 Time
主題 Topic
主講人/引言人 Speaker/Moderator
團體照Group Photo
專題演講 Keynote Speech人工智慧應用中的創新與共享基礎設施Innovation and Shared Infrastructure in the Adoption of AI 演講簡報
引言人 Moderator林雯瑤 / Dr. Wen-Yau Cathy Lin淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系專任教授兼系主任Full-Time Professor and Chairman of Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University
主講人 SpeakerMr. Roger SchonfeldITHAKA S+ R 圖書館、學術交流與博物館組織策略副總裁Vice President, Organizational Strategy and Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums, ITHAKA S+R
新知分享 Featured Trends突破積壓的工作!使用人工智慧解決方案以加速處理流程、確保保存,最大化的提高數位特藏與檔案的可用性Breaking Through the Backlog! Exploring AI-powered Solutions to Accelerate Processing, Ensure Preservation and Maximize Accessibility of Digital Special Collections and Archives 演講簡報
新知分享 Featured Trends學術交流與人工智慧策略:IEEE觀點Scholarly Communication, AI Strategies and IEEE 演講簡報
主講人 SpeakerMr. Paul CanningIEEE 國際業務總監IEEE Director, International Sales
專題演講 (實體+預錄 Onsite + Video Speech)人工智慧驅動研究轉型:從Scopus AI到生命科學解決方案AIAI-Driven Research Transformation: Insights from Scopus AI to Life Science Solutions AI 演講簡報.1演講簡報.2
引言人 Moderator林孟玲 / Ms. Meng-ling Lin (Beatrice)國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心CONCERT&NDDS計畫主持人CONCERT & NDDS Project Manager Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
主講人 SpeakerMs. Yoshiko KakitaScopus產品管理資深總監Senior Director of Scopus Product Management, Elsevier
黃恪涵 / Mr. Ryan HuangElsevier生命科學解決方案經理Account Manager, Elsevier Life Sciences Solutions
新知分享 Featured Trends (預錄 Video Speech)期刊出版中的信任與誠信—人工智慧的作用Trust & Integrity in Journals Publishing- The Role of AI 演講簡報
Ms. Julia McDonnel牛津大學出版社期刊產品總監Director of Journals Product, Oxford University Press
新知分享 Featured Trends (預錄 Video Speech)從數據到發現:Elsevier 如何運用人工智慧革新研究工作From Data to Discovery: How Elsevier Leverages AI to Transform Research
主講人 SpeakerMs. Gwen EvansElsevier全球圖書館關係副總裁Vice President, Global Library Relations, Elsevier
Mr. Roger SchonfeldITHAKA S+ R 圖書館、學術交流與博物館組織策略副總裁Vice President, Organizational Strategy and Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums, ITHAKA S+R
柯皓仁 / Dr. Hao-Ren Ke國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授&學習資訊專業學院院長Distinguished Professor & Dean of School of Learning Informatics, National Taiwan Normal University
林孟玲 / Ms. Meng-ling Lin (Beatrice)國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心CONCERT & NDDS計畫主持人CONCERT & NDDS Project Manager, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center(STPI)
閉幕典禮Closing Ceremony
黃錫瑜 / Dr. Shi-Yu Huang國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心主任Director General, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
時間 Time
主題 Topic .主講人/引言人 Speaker/Moderator
團體照Group Photo
專題演講 Keynote Speech人工智慧應用中的創新與共享基礎設施Innovation and Shared Infrastructure in the Adoption of AI 演講簡報引言人 Moderator林雯瑤 / Dr. Wen-Yau Cathy Lin淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系專任教授兼系主任Full-Time Professor and Chairman of Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University
主講人 SpeakerMr. Roger SchonfeldITHAKA S+ R 圖書館、學術交流與博物館組織策略副總裁Vice President, Organizational Strategy and Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums, ITHAKA S+R
新知分享 Featured Trends突破積壓的工作!使用人工智慧解決方案以加速處理流程、確保保存,最大化的提高數位特藏與檔案的可用性Breaking Through the Backlog! Exploring AI-powered Solutions to Accelerate Processing, Ensure Preservation and Maximize Accessibility of Digital Special Collections and Archives 演講簡報主講人 SpeakerMr. Syed AmaanullahITHAKA 高級產品經理Senior Product Manager, ITHAKA
新知分享 Featured Trends學術交流與人工智慧策略:IEEE觀點Scholarly Communication, AI Strategies and IEEE 演講簡報主講人 SpeakerMr. Paul CanningIEEE 國際業務總監IEEE Director, International Sales
專題演講 (實體+預錄 Onsite + Video Speech)人工智慧驅動研究轉型:從Scopus AI到生命科學解決方案AIAI-Driven Research Transformation: Insights from Scopus AI to Life Science Solutions AI引言人 Moderator林孟玲 / Ms. Meng-ling Lin (Beatrice) 演講簡報.1演講簡報.2國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心CONCERT&NDDS計畫主持人CONCERT & NDDS Project Manager Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
主講人 SpeakerMs. Yoshiko KakitaScopus產品管理資深總監Senior Director of Scopus Product Management, Elsevier
黃恪涵 / Mr. Ryan HuangElsevier生命科學解決方案經理Account Manager, Elsevier Life Sciences Solutions
新知分享 Featured Trends (預錄 Video Speech)期刊出版中的信任與誠信—人工智慧的作用Trust & Integrity in Journals Publishing- The Role of AI 演講簡報Ms. Julia McDonnel牛津大學出版社期刊產品總監Director of Journals Product, Oxford University Press
新知分享 Featured Trends (預錄 Video Speech)從數據到發現:Elsevier 如何運用人工智慧革新研究工作From Data to Discovery: How Elsevier Leverages AI to Transform Research主講人 SpeakerMs. Gwen EvansElsevier全球圖書館關係副總裁Vice President, Global Library Relations, Elsevier
綜合討論Q&AMr. Roger SchonfeldITHAKA S+ R 圖書館、學術交流與博物館組織策略副總裁Vice President, Organizational Strategy and Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums, ITHAKA S+R
柯皓仁 / Dr. Hao-Ren Ke國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授&學習資訊專業學院院長Distinguished Professor & Dean of School of Learning Informatics, National Taiwan Normal University
林孟玲 / Ms. Meng-ling Lin (Beatrice)國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心CONCERT & NDDS計畫主持人CONCERT & NDDS Project Manager, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center(STPI)
閉幕典禮Closing Ceremony黃錫瑜 / Dr. Shi-Yu Huang國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心主任Director General, Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (STPI)
主辦單位保留活動議程與講師調整之權利。The organizer reserves the right to adjust the event agenda and lecturers.
國立政治大學公企中心A2國際會議廳International Conference Hall A2 of Center for Public and Business Administration Education, National ChengChi University
林宜敬Yi-Jing Lin數位發展部 政務次長 Deputy Minister of Digital Affairs, Taiwan, ROC.
經歷:艾爾科技創辦人兼執行長、趨勢科技新產品研發部協理、華通電腦資訊工程部副理、美國 IBM 華生研究中心博士後研究員、印刻文學生活誌專欄作家
Dr. Lin received his B.E. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1987, and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Brown University in 1995.
Yi-Jing Lin is currently the Deputy Minister of Digital Affairs, Taiwan, ROC.
He has over 30 years of experience in the software industry. He worked for IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (USA), Compeq Manufacturing (Taiwan) , and Trend Micro (Taiwan and Japan). He was the founder and CEO of L Labs Inc. Dr. Lin also taught at National Taipei University of Education as an adjunct professor.
Roger SchonfeldITHAKA S+ R 圖書館、學術交流與博物館組織策略副總裁 Vice President, Organizational Strategy and Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums, ITHAKA S+R
羅傑目前擔任研究圖書館中心的董事會成員。此前,他曾在NSF 可持續數位保存和訪問藍帶工作組以及NISO 的開放發現計劃中任職。羅傑曾在美國眾議院就政府出版問題作證,主張採取強而有力的數位保存方法。
除了撰寫數十篇研究報告、文章和簡報之外,羅傑還定期在 Scholarly Kitchen上發表博客,並在@rschon上發推文。他與 Deanna Marcum一起撰寫了《Google 來了:圖書館數位化的歷史》(普林斯頓大學出版社,2021 年),探討了數位策略的結構性障礙以及外部催化劑在促進研究型圖書館數位化方面的作用。他還撰寫了《JSTOR:一段歷史》(普林斯頓大學,2003 年),重點關注學術文本數位化和保存的可持續非營利計劃的發展。
羅傑曾是安德魯•W•梅隆基金會的研究員。在那裡,他與 James Shulman 和 William G. Bowen合作編寫了《生命的遊戲:大學體育和學術價值觀》 (普林斯頓大學,2000 年)。他是研究圖書館協會領導研究員,並獲得雪城大學圖書館和資訊科學學位和耶魯大學英國文學學位。
Roger currently serves as a board member for the Center for Research Libraries. Previously, he has served on the NSF Blue Ribbon Task Force for Sustainable Digital Preservation and Accessand NISO’s Open Discovery Initiative. Roger has testified before the US House of Representatives on government publishing, advocating for strong approaches to digital preservation.
In addition to authoring dozens of research reports, articles, and briefing papers, Roger blogs regularly at the Scholarly Kitchen and tweets at @rschon. With Deanna Marcum, he wrote Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization (Princeton University Press, 2021), examining structural impediments to digital strategy and the role of an outside catalyst in fostering digitization among research libraries. He also wrote JSTOR: A History (Princeton, 2003), focusing on the development of a sustainable not-for-profit initiative for the digitization and preservation of scholarly texts.
Roger was previously a research associate at The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. There, he collaborated on The Game of Life: College Sports and Academic Values with James Shulman and William G. Bowen (Princeton, 2000). He was an Association of Research Libraries Leadership Fellow and received degrees in library and information science from Syracuse University and in English Literature from Yale University.
Dave FlanaganWiley數據科學及 AI 產品管理資深總監 Senior Director Data Science, AI Product Management, Wiley
Dave Flanagan 負責 Wiley 的 AI 產品開發。他於 2004 年從麻省大學阿默斯特分校和加州理工學院完成高分子科學與工程博士學位後,加入 Wiley-VCH 的材料科學期刊項目。作為知名期刊《Advanced Functional Materials》的主編,他負責處理數千篇稿件的同行評審工作。隨後轉向產品管理成為 Wiley 化學訊息學項目的總經理,該項目包含用於預測有機化合物的合成路徑,且獲獎的 AI 工具。Dave常駐於德國。
Dave Flanagan heads AI product development at Wiley. After completing his PhD in Polymer Science and Engineering from UMass Amherst and Caltech in 2004, he joined the Wiley-VCH materials science journals program. As Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Functional Materials, he handled the peer review of thousands of manuscripts. He then moved into product management, and became the general manager of Wiley’s cheminformatics program, including an award-winning AI tool for predicting synthetic routes to organic compounds. In his current role, he leads Wiley’s AI product development, and is based in Germany.
Jeremy Miller科睿唯安 學術AI資深產品經理 Lead Product Management, Academic AI, Clarivate
Jeremy Miller 是科睿唯安學術AI的資深產品經理。他於2019年加入科睿唯安的資料科學團隊,從事 Web of Science 產品系列的機器學習和 AI 計畫。Jeremy 擁有高等教育背景,曾擔任課程設計與開發、教職員發展、學生指導與學術支援等角色。自 2023 年以來,Jeremy 與同事們合作開發學術 AI 平台,支持 Clarivate 學術與政府事業部門的 AI 產品開發。
Jeremy Miller is Lead Product Manager for Academic AI at Clarivate. Jeremy joined the Data Science team at Clarivate in 2019 and worked on Machine Learning and AI projects for the Web of Science family of products. Jeremy has a background in higher education, having served in such roles as curriculum design and development, faculty development, student advising and student academic support. Since 2023 Jeremy has been working with colleagues to develop the Academic AI Platform to support AI product development across the Academia and Government business segment at Clarivate.
Cristina Blanca Sancho科睿唯安 產品管理資深總監 Senior Director of Product Management at Clarivate
Cristina Blanca Sancho 現任科睿唯安 (Clarivate) 產品管理資深總監。她於 2001 年加入科睿唯安,曾擔任過多個職位,從內容運營到技術支援再到行銷,這幾年則是擔任產品管理的角色。她主導 ProQuest 的創新產品,例如 ProQuest 平台的開發,以及其中託管的許多產品,例如 ProQuest One 產品系列和從其他舊平台轉移到 ProQuest 平台,支援無障礙、產業標準以及與其他平台的整合,包括 Ex Libris 產品,例如Alma, Primo 以及 Summon。Cristina 同時也是科睿唯安 AI 平台產品團隊的一員,該團隊推動科睿唯安的願景,即開發負責任的學術 AI 工具和產品,目標是在研究和教育中引入變革性價值。
Cristina Blanca Sancho is Senior Director of Product Management at Clarivate. She has been working at Clarivate since 2001 in various positions ranging from content operations to tech support to marketing and, for many years now, Product Management. She has led innovative products at ProQuest such as the development of the current ProQuest platform, together with many of the products hosted there, such as the ProQuest One product family and migrations to the ProQuest platform from other legacy platforms, supporting accessibility, industry standards as well as integrations with other platforms, including key Ex Libris products such as Summon, Primo and Alma. Cristina is part of the Clarivate AI Platform Product team, which drives Clarivate’s vision to develop responsible Academic AI tools and products, with the goal of introducing transformative value in research and education.
Yoshiko KakitaScopus 產品管理資深總監 Senior Director of Scopus Product Management, Elsevier
Yoshiko Kakita is the Senior Director of Scopus Product Management, based in Tokyo, Japan. As a strategic and results-oriented leader, she is committed to shaping Scopus to meet the evolving needs of the scientific community. With over 17 years of experience with Scopus spanning both Sales and Product roles, her unwavering passion lies in contributing to making the world a better place through helping researchers. Her most recent project is Scopus AI, a new product aimed at bringing generative AI capabilities specifically for research that the research community can trust.
黃恪涵Ryan HuangElsevier 生命科學解決方案經理 Account Manager, Elsevier Life Sciences Solutions
Renee Guan holds a master’s degree in Information and Library Science from Tamkang University, with over 15 years of extensive experience in the publishing information industry. She has previously managed higher education institutions in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
During her tenure, she engaged with experts and scholars across various academic disciplines, gaining insights into their research contributions and methodologies.
In last 10 years, Renee has been a frequent speaker at major universities and government institutions in Taiwan. Through professional and knowledge-sharing lectures, she imparts experiences from both domestic and international perspectives. Her talks aim to equip research scholars with additional research methods and tools.
In the academic realm, Renee has collaborated extensively with top-tier university administrators, including presidents, vice presidents, research and development departments, and academic affairs centers. She has been responsible for providing technological information to professionals and businesses in various industries, facilitating accelerated research management, scientific exploration, and innovation.
Paul EdelblutVantage Labs 全球營運副總裁 Vice President of Global Operations for Vantage Labs
Paul 在教育和技術領域擁有近 30 年的經驗,曾擔任過許多職位,包括: 教師、培訓師、作家和產品開發人員。 Paul 因其在醫療領域撰寫的超過 7 本書、以及將人工智慧引入 GMAC、ACT、ACER、ACARA、US-CIS 和聯合國獲得大規模評估而聞名。過去發表了 50 多篇論文,並在 150 多個會議上發表過演講。另外,他在 Adaptive Instructional Systems(Springer 2020)中的最新章節強調了人工智慧為學生提供實質的協助。
Paul, with nearly 30 years of experience in education and technology, has made significant contributions to the field of educational assessment. Notably, he has successfully integrated artificial intelligence into large-scale assessments for organizations such as GMAC, ACT, and the United Nations. This has revolutionized the way these assessments are conducted and scored. In addition to his work in AI, Paul is a prolific author and has published over 7 books in the medical field and over 50 research papers. His latest chapter in ""Adaptive Instructional Systems"" (Springer 2020) explores the potential of AI to personalize learning experiences for students.
Syed Amaanullah is a Senior Product Manager at ITHAKA. He currently leads ITHAKA’s efforts to utilize Generative AI (GenAI) in making special collections and archival processing more efficient for libraries and cultural institutions around the world. Along with this exciting new initiative, Syed has been instrumental in the development and strategy of ITHAKA’s Infrastructure Services portfolio of products and services over the last several years, including the launch of Shared and Preserved Collections in 2023.
Prior to joining ITHAKA in 2020, Syed has served as a product leader at reputable companies/organizations such as ProQuest, the University of Michigan and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).
Julia McDonnel牛津大學出版社 期刊產品總監 Director of Journals Product, Oxford University Press
Julia joined the Journals Editorial team at OUP in 2009, since then she has worked across STEM and HSSL subject areas in both the UK and the US. She is now Director of Journals Product and is responsible for leading OUP’s Journals Product development in collaboration with wider OUP teams and external vendors. This includes trust & integrity capabilities, solutions to address challenges and opportunities throughout the publishing process, and working with our platform team to enhance Oxford Academic where our journals are hosted.
周頡Jeremy ChouEBSCO 台港澳業務總監 EBSCO Sales Director (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau)
With over 17 years of practical experience in library and information services, the speaker has witnessed the evolution from Information Literacy to Data Literacy. In the early years, he was dedicated to information literacy education and human-computer interaction design, and also participated in and assisted with library collection planning and budget allocation. In recent years, responding to the trends of the big data era, the speaker has concentrated on the field of data literacy, dedicating efforts to applying Business Intelligence (BI) in library management. Through the concept and practical examples of Data-Driven Decision Making, they aim to enhance library operational efficiency, helping libraries maintain competitiveness in the digital transformation process and continue supporting the teaching and research foundation of their institutions.
Paolo LombardiTaylor & Francis 科技創新總監 Director of Technology Innovation, Taylor & Francis
Paolo Lombardi 先生目前是 Taylor & Francis 的 AI 創新總監。他是 Fulbright (傅爾布萊特) 學者,擁有 University of Pavia (帕維亞大學) 和 Paris-Sud University (巴黎第十一大學,南巴黎大學) 的雙博士學位,專攻人工智慧 (電腦視覺)。 Paolo 在七歲時開始做程式編碼,並於 1995 年開發了他的第一個神經網路。他曾在 2010 年之前擔任 AI 研究員,與大學及應用科學機構合作,包括 European Commission (歐洲聯盟委員會)。隨後,他共同創辦了兩家以研究為主的 AI 新創公司以及數位新創企業加速器 Techpeaks 。從 2016 年到 2021 年, Paolo 專注於為歐洲各地的企業和政府機構提供創新諮詢,並於 2022 年加入 Taylor & Francis 。
Paolo Lombardi is Director of AI Innovation at Taylor & Francis. A Fulbright Fellow, he holds a dual PhD in Artificial Intelligence (Computer Vision) from the University of Pavia and Paris-Sud University. Paolo began coding at age seven and developed his first neural network in 1995. He worked as an AI researcher with universities and applied science institutions, including the European Commission, until 2010. Subsequently, he co-founded two research-driven AI startups and the digital startup accelerator Techpeaks. From 2016 to 2021, Paolo specialised in innovation consulting for corporations and government agencies throughout Europe before joining Taylor & Francis in 2022.
Paul CanningIEEE 國際業務總監 IEEE Director, International Sales
Paul Canning在專業和學術出版行業擁有超過二十五年的編輯、行銷、產品開發和銷售經驗。他曾在商業和非營利組織中工作。作為國際業務總監,他負責管理IEEE在亞太、歐洲、中東和非洲、拉丁美洲及大洋洲的推廣活動。Paul於1998年加入IEEE曾任出版和信息行銷總監,是開發、推出及推廣旗艦產品IEL的團隊成員之一。在加入IEEE之前,Paul也曾擔任Reed-Elsevier旗下Marquis Who’s Who 和 National Register Publishing的高級常務董事。他在紐約哥倫比亞大學獲得文學士學位,並擁有芝加哥大學的MBA學位。
Paul Canning has held key roles in editorial, marketing, product development and sales in professional and scholarly publishing businesses for more than twenty-five years. He has worked for both commercial and not-for-profit organizations.
As the IEEE Director International Sales, he manages IEEE sales activities for the IEEE Xplore Digital Library in APAC, EMEA, Latin America and Oceania.
Paul joined the IEEE in 1998 as the director of publication and information marketing. He was a member of the team developing, launching, and marketing the flagship product, the IEEE Electronic Library (IEL).
Prior to IEEE, Paul was the senior managing director of two Reed-Elsevier information businesses: Marquis Who’s Who and National Register Publishing. He held both editorial and product management positions.
He received an MBA from the University of Chicago and earned a BA from Columbia University in the City of New York.
Gwen EvansElsevier 全球圖書館關係副總裁 Vice President, Global Library Relations, Elsevier
Evans was previously the Executive Director of OhioLINK, Ohio’s academic library consortium and state agency under the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Her leadership at OhioLINK, helped deliver the creation of a statewide library-led initiative for affordable textbooks, focusing on a hybrid approach of supporting Open Educational Resources; library resources as no-cost-to-students textbook alternatives; and groundbreaking statewide price agreements with major commercial textbook publishers.